Aphasia Centre, University of Sheffield 2014-2023
Match funding for the Aphasia Communication and Research Centre for people with aphasia and their families in Sheffield

The Trustees of the Tavistock Trust for Aphasia continue to support the Aphasia Communication and Research Centre within the Department of Human Communication Sciences at the University of Sheffield. Following the success of the one year Pilot Scheme which was set up last year, the Trust is pleased to continue to part fund the Aphasia Centre until August 2023. This funding will be matched by the University or a third party.
The Centre provides, amongst other things, a place for people with aphasia and their families to meet and find support, and it provides opportunities for students to develop key skills.
Those who benefit include:
- People with aphasia – a Centre dedicated to their needs will lead to better lives for people with aphasia in the Sheffield area
- Students in speech and language therapy, research Masters students, and PhD students will learn about aphasia from people with aphasia
- Research in the department will be enhanced through the close involvement of people with aphasia in designing and carrying out projects
- Local speech & language therapists will enhance their services through collaborations with the Centre, through referring clients for specific services and through working with staff and students in the Communication Centre.
The Communication Centre aims to:
- Provide functional goal directed communication support to people with aphasia and their families
- Develop novel training opportunities for students, including delivering therapy remotely and through computers
- Develop research ideas that reflect the concerns of people with aphasia
- Complement the existing speech and language therapy services for people with aphasia in Sheffield
For further information about the Centre please contact:
Janet Walmsley j.s.walmsley@sheffield.ac.uk
Telephone: 0114 22 22 403