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The Audrey Holland Award Presentation

Henrietta Bedford and Nicole Campbell were delighted to receive the Audrey Holland Award.  The Award was presented by Dr Elizabeth Hoover, on behalf of Aphasia Access, at the British Aphasiology Conference 2024, De Montford University.   This Award was made in 2023, but there was an unexpected delay in being able to make the presentation.

The Audrey Holland Award is presented bi-annually, by Aphasia Access, for exemplary contributions and achievement within the Life Participation Approach to Aphasia (LPAA).

In her speech Dr Elizabeth Hoover, a former President of Aphasia Access, explained why they have chosen to make this Award:

“The Tavistock Trust for Aphasia, under the strategic and thoughtful guidance of Henrietta Bedford, and Nicole Campbell, has had a positive, impressive impact on the lives of individuals with aphasia, those impacted by aphasia, and programs and services for those with aphasia, since its establishment in 1992.  Henrietta and Nicole have worked tirelessly, along with the Trustees of the Tavistock Trust for Aphasia, to ensure streamlined access to a range of resources for global partners ranging from individuals with aphasia and aphasia groups, to international research collaborations and university partners. …… The TTA has funded projects, research, and individual and group programming. Nicole and Henrietta have intentionally and collaboratively developed and nurtured a range of relationships locally and internationally.  Through their leadership, strategic vision, frontline work and behind-the-scenes planning and development, Nicole and Henrietta have provided an invaluable resource for development of a diversified range of aphasia programs and services globally and are recognized as international leaders in the aphasia services, collaborations, services and supports. They emulate the values and characteristics of Audrey Holland, her spirit, her vision, and her action-oriented approach to aphasia services and programs. ……  It is our distinct pleasure to recognize the work of these two pioneering spirits who embody the characteristics and qualities that Audrey so richly demonstrated and valued. “


Eirian Jones
1940 – 2024

It is with great sadness that the Trust has learnt of the death of Eirian Jones.  Eirian was an inspirational speech and language therapist, who throughout her career specialised in aphasia. Her research, which particularly focused on the remediation of sentence level impairments, helped to develop treatments that have become mainstream in aphasia practice.  As an awe inspiring lecturer at the School for the Study of Disorders of Human Communication (1979-82), Eirian was the motivation behind many graduating students opting to work in the field of aphasia.  Above all, Eirian was a therapist who supported countless stroke survivors in reducing the impacts of aphasia and regaining communication. It was her commitment to aphasia therapy that led Eirian to propose and chair the first British Aphasiology Society Therapy Symposium (1988) now a regular feature of the BAS programme.
Eirian was a key figure in The Tavistock Trust for Aphasia.  In 2006 she was the first recipient of the Robin Tavistock Award. But, perhaps her most important role was as a speech and language therapist to Robin Tavistock, the late 14th Duke of Bedford, when he acquired aphasia following a brain haemorrhage.  His experience of regaining communication, with the help of Eirian’s superb therapy, led to the foundation of our Trust.  He hoped that all those with aphasia might receive such extensive and outstanding support, a hope that we honour to this day.

Henrietta, Duchess of Bedford writes: 
‘I was very sad to learn that Eirian Jones has died. What an amazing woman she was. Had my husband Robin not been so incredibly lucky to have been allocated to her I think his, and all our lives might have been very different.  Professor Alan Crockard saved his life, Eirian made his life liveable. Eirian explained to Robin things that needed doing to help people with Aphasia.   Had Robin not been so fortunate to have been saved by both of them, there would  be no TTA.  My sons and I will be forever grateful and Eirian will forever be in our thoughts’.

The Robin Tavistock Award 2024

The Trustees of the Tavistock Trust for Aphasia are delighted to announce that Professor Miranda Rose is the 2024 recipient of The Robin Tavistock Award.

This award is named after Robin Tavistock, the 14th Duke of Bedford who founded The Tavistock Trust for Aphasia.  It is presented annually to a person, or group, who is inspirational and has made a significant contribution to the field of aphasia.

It is impossible to list in this press release, all that Professor Miranda Rose has contributed to the world of aphasia.  Since 2019 Miranda Rose has led the internationally respected Centre for Research Excellence in Aphasia Recovery and Rehabilitation at La Trobe University in Australia, which she was key in setting up.

In recent years, to highlight only one or two of many important pieces of work, she has led COMPARE examining outcomes from Constraint Induced and Multi-modality aphasia treatments. She has also been a chief investigator on ASK  investigating early interventions to prevent depression and enhance quality of life.  Miranda has also led the Communication Connect project, which supports long term recovery from stroke and brain injury. An enduring theme in her research has been the exploration of communication strategies in aphasia therapy, and particularly the use of gesture.

The scale of Professor Miranda Rose’s research is awe inspiring.  We noted that one research database lists 150 publications under her name, and well over 6,000 citations. But, of course, critically it is not the quantity of her work that is so impressive, it is its range and quality.

It used to be common for science and research to lose touch with humanity and not take into account, or have a real understanding of, the impact of a condition on the patient and their family.  But nowadays, because of leadership such as hers, this is less and less the case.  While enhancing our theoretical understanding of aphasia and communication, she has always placed the needs of people with aphasia at the heart of your work.   In her research we can read about practical therapies that make a real difference to the lives of people living with aphasia.

Added to all of the above, Professor Miranda Rose is recognised as an exceptional mentor to the next generation of clinicians and academics.  This, coupled with her pioneering client centred research, has established her as a leader in the field of aphasia, and someone who has earned international respect.

The criterion for this Award is to recognise a person or group who is inspirational and has made a significant contribution to the field of aphasia.  Professor Miranda Rose has done this and more and she is indeed a worthy recipient of the Robin Tavistock Award 2024.

             The Tavistock Trust for Aphasia Distinguished Scholar Awards 2024

The Tavistock Trust for Aphasia (TTA) is pleased to announce The Tavistock Trust for Aphasia Distinguished Scholar Awards  2024 recipients, in alphabetical order.

Dr Suma Devanga, Rush University Medical Center, Chicago

Dr Elizabeth Hoover, Boston University Sargent College

Dr Elizabeth Madden, Florida Sate University

Dr Jessica Obermeyer, University of North Carolina

This award was conceived to address research capacity related to quality of life issues in aphasia.  The award is given in recognition of scholarly excellence in all, or some, of the following areas:

  • Research and Publications dedicated to improving life with aphasia, and/or
  • Mentoring of research students to conduct research associated with quality of life, life participation, conversation or similar topics related to life with aphasia, and/or
  • Working to improve external grant funding that addresses the needs of people living with aphasia.

The aim of these awards is to foster and encourage pioneering research that aims to make a difference in the everyday lives of people living with aphasia, their families and caregivers.

New Look Aphasia Software Finder Aphasia Software Finder

The Aphasia Software Finder has had a significant redesign with the aim of making the website more aphasia friendly and thereby easier to navigate for everyone.

To learn more about what you can find and what is new on the Aphasia Software Finder, please watch this short video: