Dyscover – On-line Expansion Project

Dyscover - On-line Expansion Project

Dyscover are embarking on ‘phase1’ of their on-line expansion project. During the pandemic Dyscover successfully transferred their variety of structured long-term, regular aphasia group sessions on-line using video conferencing technology (based on LPAA principles).

They identified that their Speech and Language Therapist led sessions can be delivered on-line with positive outcomes for individuals. In line with their strategic goals, with this ‘forced’ pilot experience and positive impact evidence to hand, Dyscover would like to expand their services to reach and benefit more people with aphasia. Particularly as barriers, such as location, accessible transport needs and other health complexities, which may have previously prevented participation, are reduced, or broken down completely when connecting from home on-line.

Currently running their on-line services in parallel to their face-to-face services, a small project team are carrying out a ‘mapping and scoping’ exercise to identify what the current provisions for on-line aphasia support is at present and what the need and appetite for this is, across the UK. Dyscover hopes to network with a range of statutory, community and voluntary providers, to establish the requirements to help shape the next phase of their project hoping to respond to emerging need, share their expertise wider and create stronger partnerships.