The Tavistock Trust For Aphasia Student Prizes
The Tavistock Trust for Aphasia awards its Student Prizes at all universities in the United Kingdom, New Zealand, Australia, Canada and Ireland that have Speech and Language Therapy departments. Click here to see recipients of student prizes.
The criterion for the prize is that it is awarded for excellence in work relating to aphasia.
- This can be either for academic or practical work: an essay, a piece of research, clinical practice, conversation partners or similar scheme.
- It can be given to an undergraduate or post-graduate.
This allows each University to adapt how the prize is awarded according to their approach and programme. The value of each prize is £500.
The original idea behind these prizes was the hope that it might help raise the profile of aphasia amongst the Speech and Language Therapists of the future. Encouragingly, we are told the prizes succeed in this aim, but we are pleased that other benefits have emerged, including:
- In a competitive job market being able to say on your CV that you are a recipient of this now coveted prize, has proven to be significant in helping students ‘stand out from the crowd’.
- Being awarded this prize has encouraged some students to go on to pursue post graduate study, or continue to work with people with aphasia.
- It has been noted by many that the prize has raised the profile of their departments within the various universities.
- As a result of the prize being recognised and highly valued in New Zealand, Australia, Canada and Ireland, as well as the United Kingdom, the prizes have an international status. The prize is proving to be an asset in the international job market.
We are regularly told by recipients how much it means to them to be awarded such a generous and prestigious award.
The Tavistock Trust for Aphasia Special Prize
From the time to time, a student does exceptional work that focuses solely on aphasia, but they are not training to be a Speech and Language Therapist.
On the rare occasion that we are approached by a University about such a student, as long as the criterion of excellence has been met, the Trustees have agreed to consider awarding an additional prize, The Tavistock Trust for Aphasia Student Special Prize.
Each recipient of The Tavistock Trust for Aphasia Student Prize receives a certificate as part of their prize. This was introduced in 2012.
The Trustees of the Tavistock Trust for Aphasia would like to thank all the staff and students from all the participating Universities.
We would like to thank the Nigel and Lynne Ross Charitable Trust for its generous support of the New Zealand University prizes, and its contribution to the Australian University prizes.
The Tavistock Trust for Aphasia monitors and reviews the prizes regularly.